Friday, August 29, 2008

IT Recruitment - whats the market like?

We thought we would give you all a quick update on how the current IT and Information Management recruitment market is looking within the Public and Not-For-Profit sector.

Well. So far this year, as mentioned in a previous post all has looked fine, not much change to mention. However, we did notice a drop in July. Maybe it was because everyone was on Summer Holiday or maybe it was the current economic climate taking hold. The good news is that it appears to have been a one off. August has been very busy on both the permanent and temporary side. We have received positions from within the NHS, Education, Charity and Housing sector.

In terms of the number of applications we are seeing we believe the number has generally been consistent, however, we have noticed a slight rise in the number of people looking for permanent work. Perhaps this is because they wish to ensure stability and financial security during these uncertain financial times.

If you would like to chat to us about IT and Information recruitment please do give us a call on 0844 800 4984 or e-mail us at

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