Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Redundancy - What are your rights?

Redundancy is complicated. There are so many questions you ask yourself when you first start hearing the dreaded 'R' word being bounded about: -

Can they do this to me?

What notice must i be given?

What are my rights?

What pay am i entitled to?

Well, rather than go into the subject on this one blog, i have included a link below which can talk you through all the above points and more. It also has more links to organisations which can help you.

Should you unfortunately be one of the thousands of people facing redundancy, or are just looking for a new role within the IT and Information Management sector, well then please do visit our website or contact us to see how we can help.

Remember, every cloud has a silver lining. By the end of the last recession there were more millionaires than before.

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