Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Successful Recruitment - Honesty by all

Successful recruitment depends on a number of things.

A. The right sales staff to get the initial role on within the client.
B. The right consultant to ensure that the client receives the service they deserve.
C. The right candidate for the client's role.

The last one is the hardest. One of the reasons for this is a breakdown of communication and a lack of trust between the Recruitment Agencies and the candidates generally caused by pre conceived perceptions of Recruitment Agencies. It is true, there are some Agencies out there that will lie, push, conceal and generally do anything to ensure that they get a placement.

At G & G Recruitment we are focussed on ensuring we listen to candidates’ needs, we are honest and up front, we provide regular feedback and do not push or cajole them into interviews or roles they are not interested in. This has led to us having many happy candidates. But, it has also led to us being stung by candidates that still do not trust us. All we ask is that candidates do as they say.

A. Make sure you mean it if you say you wish to go forward for a role, after being asked about location, salary, organisation, role and any other details you may request.
B. Make sure you mean it when you confirm an interview.
C. Make sure you mean it when you accept a role.

We have recently been stung by the whole "emu" process of candidates who mysteriously become incredibly quiet after confirming they wish to go forward for a role, confirm an interview or even accept an offer of employment. They were given every opportunity to say no. We would much rather candidates said no at the start of a process rather than not turn up or not answer their phone. This lack of respect comes from the pre-conception that all agencies abuse the candidates and will do anything to get a placement. But not all agencies are like this, in fact it is an ever decreasing minority. I understand that sometimes things change but, is it really that hard to call or send an e-mail when things do change rather than wait till the last minute or even not bother at all. I have heard the saying, look out for number 1, don't worry about saying yes to every job opportunity. But really, what is the point of going forward for a role you would never accept. Plus, you may think that it does you no harm in doing the "Emu" but, your name is remembered and will not so readily be forwarded to a client when you are next looking for work. What goes around, comes around.

I am thinking, would candidates be so willing to do this, if like agencies they could be rated on websites.

I do apologise if this sounds like a bitter rant but, I truly do hope it gives an honest picture of how trust and honesty in the recruitment process could really benefit all parties.

Any comments on this, please do contact us on info@ggrecruitment.co.uk or simply leave a comment on this post.

Happy Summer all - it appears to have arrived!!!

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