Monday, July 14, 2008

Government Pathetic on Knife Crime

Admittedly this blog is dedicated to the IT and Information Management sector. However, I'm sure that this sector, like all sectors, will be worried about the recent knife crime epidemic and have their own views on it. Therefore, due to my strong views on this I thought I would air them.

It seems simple to me. People who carry knives should get a mandatory jail sentence. I would go as far as to say one that carries a bit of meaning with it. 3 years minimum.

Knives like guns are lethal weapons and if people take them out in public, be it for "protection" or "kudos" on the street they are taking the risk that they or someone else will use that knife to cause serious injury and as we have seen so regularly recently even death. Therefore, if this government really valued protecting innocent civilans and establishing safe streets they would implement new strict laws on this rather than keep changing their minds on soft policies like showing the users of knives the injuries they can cause. Im sure the press coverage recently has done that. That sort of tactic is more useful for prevention rather than stopping people who have already used knives.

In another slight deviation, i think that any budding entrepenuer should seriously look into building a prison, hiring some experienced security staff and then hiring it out to the Government. It seems clear to me that they will require some more prison space soon!

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