Friday, February 13, 2009

Only half of public sector staff think ICT can help cut costs in 2009, says survey

Civica, a provider of software-based solutions that help organisations to improve service delivery and efficiency, surveyed local authority and housing executives attending its annual conference in Manchester, finding more than half (51%) believed Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can help local authorities drive down costs further in 2009.

While the Efficiency Agenda remains a key priority for many to help reduce internal costs in the light of increased pressure and targets (33%), a greater proportion of interviewees (37%) put delivering the best possible service for their customers as a key priority. 33 per cent felt ICT is an important factor in efficiency but that a shift in organisational attitude is more critical. Only 1 per cent thought that IT will not make a significant impact on efficiency this year. Over half (53%) believed introducing standardised systems and processes across the organisation was important for improved efficiency while 40 per cent felt sharing services important for efficiency gains. Over one third, 37 per cent, claim to be using or planning to use, shared services over the next one to three years. Nearly one third (30 per cent) of the 100 survey respondents thought that the Government will cut funding and support in 2009, over the 4% of those surveyed who believed government will invest more in public services. 53% believe their local authorities are cutting jobs or will cut jobs this year. Val Earle, head of consulting for Enterprise Service Transformation at Civica, said: "In 2009 the challenges facing local authorities and housing organisations are being compounded by the economic climate as executives will be forced to do more with even fewer resources. "The survey highlights that many issues facing public sector organisations in terms of transformation are the same but the current climate is highlighting existing problems and now is an opportune time for a detailed reassessment of spending programmes and analysis of where technology can help make additional efficiency savings. "Job cuts to address the lack of funding is not necessarily the answer as authorities could then lose employees they have been spent considerable time and money training. Using existing technology systems more effectively often has more effect in terms of enhancing services and making cost savings."


The survey was conducted with both local authority (62) and housing organisation (38) employees at Civica's annual customer conference in Manchester which attracted visitors from across the public sector and its partners.

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