Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Hunt for Candidates

The secret to successful recruitment is finding the right candidate first. With there being so many agencies now (a reputed 1500+ in the London area alone) it really has come down to the ability to attract the best candidates. There are the usual methods - advertising in the news papers, advertising online on job boards, word of mouth, candidate recommendation and head hunting.

Nowadays, online appears to be the way forward with more and more people opting to hunt for jobs online, or just to make their details available online. So much so that SEO, social networking sites and key words are all the craze now in sourcing that 1 candidate who will get the role. Even more so that most of the candidates are apparently passive - ie, they aren't actively looking for work.

Here at G & G Recruitment we would love to hear from any IT or Information Management candidates (be it permanent staff or contractors) on how they conduct their job hunt and what they look for in agencies, adverts or even just that first approach, phone call or e-mail.

Im sure in about a year's time it all will have changed again but, that is unfortunately the nature of the beast of the industry which we work in.

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