Monday, April 28, 2008

Recruiter - Letters... Land of the giants or is small beautiful?

We felt the need to comment on your recent article 'Is being big always beautiful?' (Recruiter, 2 April), concerning the current mergers and acquisitions within the industry. As a large UK rec-to-rec consultancy we are constantly placing recruiters at all levels, from smaller companies to larger corporations and vice versa. Many recruiters tell us they prefer larger companies as they offer greater long-term security, structured career options, and the advantage of having a well-known brand behind them. However, just as many inform us they wish to work at smaller firms on the basis they will receive more recognition and appreciation, increased earning potential and the opportunity for more rapid career advancement. Both have selling points and valid reasons to be leaving or joining, and recruiters will always have their preferences to the type of company they want to work for, or are best suited to. However, in a desperately candidate-short market, is removing that choice from them really likely to improve recruiter availability? If the giants want to dominate, they must consider their offerings not only to the end user, but to their own staff — ideally combining the strong points of both large and small companies under the same roof, and the smaller 'gems' of the market will have to keep up, or lose out. In our experience there are only a handful of consultancies currently providing their staff all the advantages of a big company, while also appealing to the smaller firm enthusiast.
*Michael Bowden, sales director, Aston Taylor.

G & G Recruitment's view on this - Small is beautiful as everyone requires that extra bit of customer care! Come and register with us and let us work for you.

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